Trailer Talk: ‘Star Wars Uncut: A New Hope’


A five-minute teaser called “The Escape” has been released for “Star Wars Uncut: A New Hope” — a re-imagining of George Lucas’ 1977 science fiction classic.

The collaborative film project by Casey Pugh is made up of 472 15-second scenes that were recreated by fans, filmmakers and artists worldwide. The best scenes, which were submitted over a year ago, have been edited together to form a cohesive re-imagining of the first film in the “Star Wars” saga.

Although the premise is fun, unique and will likely provide audiences with creative interpretations of one of the most parodied films of all time, I fear that the constant changes in format – various forms of animation, live-action and photography – could be jarring and obtrusive.

Star Wars Uncut “The Escape” from Casey Pugh on Vimeo.

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Don #

    I just don’t think I could sit through anything longer than this video. It was much too much as it was.

  2. Dave #

    Idea is cool, but I find it’s a bit messy and hard to follow. Dont think I could watch a full length adaptation of New Hope like this….

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