Trailer Talk: ‘The Oregonian’


I must be living in the wrong part of Oregon … or perhaps it’s the right part, based on the psychedelic trailer for “The Oregonian.”

While the words “The Oregonian” remind me of our newspaper, apparently some people believe the words should be associated with freaks, blood and nature. Well, one out of three ain’t bad.

The trailer below plays out like one of those Axe morning-after commercials. It seems to go about things in a non-linear fashion. At least I hope it isn’t an accurate timeline. Nothing seems to make sense and the smattering of dialogue does nothing to help. It looks like a cross between “The Hills Have Eyes” and “Into the Wild.”

It’s hard to tell whether the film looks like it will be good or not. Going off of individual shots, it could go either way. Maybe the people behind the trailer realized that they didn’t have much to sell when it came to the film. Or perhaps the film is so good that it shouldn’t be spoiled. It looks like you’re going to have to take your chances with this film.

“The Oregonian,” which premiered at Sundance Film Festival Jan. 24, stars Lindsay Pulsipher from “True Blood.”

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Bev #

    Geeze Allison, pretty weird in all ways – including abrasive soundtrack. I had no idea, by the way, that another IJM writer was from Portland area. I live in Vancouver.

  2. Allisonbh #

    Very cool. I’m in Lake Oswego, but I go to PSU. I just read your article on PIFF. I’m hoping to check out some of it.

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