Trailer Talk: ‘Water for Elephants’


Fun fact: Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon previously acted together in “Vanity Fair,” although the scene was cut and can only be found on the DVD extras (and YouTube). However, it looks like in their new film, “Water for Elephants,” their scenes will not be regulated to obscurity.

The trailer below makes “Water for Elephants” look like a non-musical version of “Moulin Rouge.” An old man, Jacob (Pattinson), is telling someone about his time in the circus, when circuses were actually a big event and culture. Though it looks like they are from two different social classes, Jacob manages to fall in love with Marlena (Witherspoon), the main attraction. However, Marlena is already married to August (Christoph Waltz of “Inglorious Basterds”), and so begins a game of sneaky seduction.

Besides the plot, the film seems to have a cinematography that is reminiscent of “Moulin Rouge.” Everything is glamorized and water-colored, even though a circus in the ’30s was probably anything but. However, I don’t see “Water for Elephants” as being a complete knock-off and it actually looks decent.

Let’s be honest, though. None of this really matters. This film is going to make lots of money. The “Twilight” fan base eats up anything related to the stars, especially the main heartthrob Robert Pattinson. The only mistake this movie could make would be if it got an “R” rating, cutting off a large portion of “twi-hards.” I’m sure the movie producers are crossing their fingers hoping this doesn’t happen.

“Water for Elephants” is scheduled to hit theaters April 15, 2011.

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  1. 1

    It looks better than I had envisioned. Probably a rental.

  2. Alexa M. #

    I LOVED this book and I really hope the movie does it justice! I think it’s got a great cast but you’re right, I don’t know if I’m feeling the “Moulin Rouge”-esque color scheme, especially since the book is very detailed in its depiction of how un-glamorous working at a Depression-era circus was.