Under Review: ‘Home’


Completely produced through aerial photography and presented with Glenn Close’s perfectly fitting narration, this beautiful film about Planet Earth is mesmerizing in its beauty. The gentle, seductive soundtrack is reminiscent of a mixture of Indian, classical and multi-cultural traditions. The photography, from land formations explaining the beginnings of the world, to bustling cityscapes, is an art form.

The main purpose of “Home” is to motivate people to both treasure and sensibly protect our home, our earth. As Close tells it, “We are in the process of comprising the climatic balance we’ve had for the last 12,000 years.”

In order to change the trajectory of global warming, “Home” advises us first to “testify to a new awareness based on moderation, intelligence and sharing” through becoming aware, passing this awareness information on, supporting environmental action and acting responsibly.

Originally released on June 5, 2009, on Earth Day, French photographer, Yann Arthus-Bertrand was the creative power behind this film. He was inspired by the 2006 doc, “Inconvenient Truth.” Over a period of 3 years, with 217 shooting days in 54 countries, Bertrand has perhaps created the only film on record completely produced through aerial photography.

“Home” has remained free to view because of the sponsorship and funding of PPR, a French investment consortium that includes Gucci, Yves St. Laurent, Puma and Stella McCartney. It premiered in 14 languages in over 87 countries in theaters, on television, the Internet, DVDs and public viewing locations in New York City, Paris, London and Boston.

Some of the most important issues covered in this beautiful free film include the following 5 points:

    1. The more the world develops the greater its thirst for energy.

    2. Three-fourths of our fishing grounds are already depleted, exhausted or near to it. All fish stocks are threatened.

    3. One river in 10 no longer flows into the ocean

    4. 1 in 6 people live without access to fresh water, sanitation or electricity.

    5. Hunger affects 1 billion people

In an interview Yann Arthus-Bertrand was asked what the film’s core message was. He answered that we are having a greater impact on Earth than it can bear. “We over-consume and are depleting the Earth’s resources. From the air, it’s easy to see the Earth’s wounds… Everybody knows about what the film says, but nobody wants to believe it. So ‘Home’ adds its weight to the argument of environmental organizations that we need to revert to a more commonsensical approach and change our consumer way of life.”

What is best about this film is that it seems almost spiritual, almost holy. Glenn Close’s narration, the slow moving panoramic high definition cinematography, the peaceful music and calculated pace all promote viewer reflection.

When asked what he liked best about the movie Arthus-Bertrand said he liked it because it lent itself to contemplation. He explained that “… it is also a film that causes you to listen and stop to think. People don’t like hearing some of the things the movie has to say, but I wasn’t prepared to make any concessions.”

The most startling predictive statistic is related the continuing melting of the ice caps around the globe. As water starts rising people will lose their homes. “Home” predicts that by the year 2050 there may be at least 200 million climate refugees. Isn’t that an interesting scenario?

Some ways the film suggests the viewer support the environment:

    1. Support building houses that produce their own energy

    2. Eat less meat

    3. Support solar energy development

    4. Proselytize a new consciousness based on moderation, intelligence and sharing

    5. Get involved and join

This film is a symphony, a love letter from our home, from our earth, that just asks us, right now, to be informed and pass the information on.

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Producer: Denis Carot and Luc Besson
Director and Cinematographer: Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Writers: Isabelle Delannoy, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Denis Carot and Yen Le Van
Narrator: Glenn Close (English Version)
Score: written by Armand Amar and recorded with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and the Shanghai Percussion Ensemble
Length: 1 hr 33 min
Language: You can choose a language other than English at
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