Why They Should Make Anger Management 2


“Anger Management” was a surprisingly funny and unique 2003 movie. It had the qualities of a musical, with an amazing soundtrack that included a wide range of classics songs like “I Feel Pretty” from “West Side Story” and Santana’s “Black Magic Woman.” It had more slapstick humor — maybe even dark humor — than you’d find in some of the R-rated comedies movies that have become so popular in recent years.

The movie stars Adam Sandler, Jack Nicholson and Marisa Tomei, with some great cameos by Woody Harrelson, Luis Guzman and John Turturro.

There are various obvious reasons why they should make an “Anger Management” sequel, one being there is a successful TV show (very) loosely based on the movie right now starring Charlie Sheen, and this would be a perfect time to capitalize on its popularity.

The other reason is that it is one of Adam Sandler’s best movies and before he tries doing an inevitable sequel to one of his lesser movies, this one has the most potential in my opinion.

That being said, I think “Anger Management” the movie was more a Jack Nicholson film than Sandler’s. He really stole the show as the character of Buddy Rydell. His extreme techniques really jolted Sandler’s Dave Buznik character into shape and taught him to stand up for himself and for who he loves and what he loves.

I feel these types of plots have endless possibilities. I also feel Nicholson and Sandler had great chemistry and should work together again, even if it’s not for an “Anger Management” sequel.

But a sequel plot is easy — it almost writes itself. Picture this: For the sequel, Buddy is dealing with a new patient. But it is the toughest case of his career — it could be a relative, or maybe a super hero (I hear the Dark Knight is pretty depressed in “The Dark Knight Rises,” I bet Buddy can help … I kid). So Buddy needs to recruit the help of previous patients, especially Adam Sandler’s character, who knows first hand Buddy’s extreme methods.

Of course, that’s just one idea of mine, but it just goes to show the fun possibilities are endless for these characters. If you haven’t watched “Anger Management,” you really should.

So what do you think? Would you like a sequel to “Anger Management?”

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  1. lee #

    Sandler’s career could use this.