Four Clips From ‘Tales of an Ancient Empire’


The plot of “Tales of an Ancient Empire” is described as follows: A princess is on a quest to unite the five greatest warriors to save her kingdom from a demon sorceress.

I like the concept and movies of this genre can generally prove quite fun. The movie is a sequel “in spirit” to 1982’s “The Sword and the Sorcerer.”

“Tales of an Ancient Empire” stars Kevin Sorbo, Christopher Lambert, Melissa Ordway, Whitney Able, Jennifer Siebel-Newsom, Lee Horsley, Janelle Taylor, Sarah Schultz, Inbar Lavi, Ralf Moeller and Olivier Gruner.

The movie is being directed by Albert Pyun (who also helmed “The Sword and the Sorcerer”) and is slated to be released in 2010.

Source: Trailer Addict

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12 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. stargazer #

    Kevin Sorbo is in this? yawn… pretty bland actor. This makes me sad because I liked the original movie quite a bit.

    Let’s hope it gets good enough reviews…

  2. Disco #

    The acting is pretty stiff in that clip.

  3. Jane #

    I liked it. Playful, naughty and best of all fun. If the rest is like this and the other clip that got circultated today at, I think its going to be a very fun matinee type picture.

  4. Kent #

    I like these kinds of movies, so I’ll probably check it out.

  5. Dani #

    Maybe …

  6. Paul #

    “Im your sister!”



  7. Josue #

    looks interesting. I will like to se this when it is released.

  8. H Solo #

    Looks pretty good. I will see it.

  9. Jack #

    I see Val Kilmer listed in the credits on IMDB but not here.

  10. Ramubay #

    This film stars Val Kilmer (Madmartigan from Willow), Christopher Lambert (Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes and The Highlander), Kevin Sorbo (Kull the Conqueror and Hercules), Ralf Moeller (Conan, the TV series) and brings back Lee Horsley as Talon (his character from The Sword and The Sorcerer). Think of this as The Expendables for the fantasy adventure genre.

  11. 11

    It’s got Kevin Sorbo so who cares that the dialogue is stilted and the acting looks forced. Once a fan…

  12. CapAmee #

    First I’ve heard of this movie.