Two Scenes From ‘The Yellow Handkerchief’


It’s not uncommon for small indie films that once received little attention to find an audience when one of its stars hits it big. This seems to be the case for the Kristen Stewart-starring “The Yellow Handkerchief,” which debuted at Sundance in early 2008, almost a year before Stewart’s popularity exploded with the first “Twilight” film.

Stewart plays Martine, a teenage girl who goes on a road trip through Louisiana with a stranger named Gordy (Eddie Redmayne). Gordy is a geeky misfit who catches Martine’s eye in a diner, where she retreated after her attempts to profess her feelings to a boy she likes failed. Once they’re on the road, they meet Brett (William Hurt), a man who needs a ride home after being released from jail and hopes to reunite with his estranged wife (Maria Bello). On the trip home, these three outcasts bond over their mutual feelings of loneliness.

I think “The Yellow Handkerchief” looks like it has the potential to be a pretty interesting character drama. Hurt and Bello are both really talented actors, and while “Twilight” may not be the best indication of Stewart’s acting abilities” — I’ve enjoyed her performances in movies like “Adventureland” and “Into the Wild.”

“The Yellow Handkerchief” opens in limited release Feb. 10.

Source: Trailer Addict

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Disco #

    I might see this.

  2. Don #

    She really is very pretty.

  3. sal #

    I like the actors, so … maybe.