Transformers: Dark of the Moon: New TV Spot


“Transformers: Dark of the Moon” is the third and final installment in the series, directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg. A great reception for the first film from most critics and audiences was followed by a downward spiral of everyone’s opinions with the second film, “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.”

While production was already under way on the third film, Megan Fox was announced to not be returning as Shia LaBeouf’s love interest, replaced by English model Rose Huntington-Whiteley. The second major change was that Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman, the team that had written the first two films, have been replaced by Ehren Kruger. Most of the complaints about the second film was that it had lost the feel of the first film and was replaced by a completely wrong tone for the film, too much slapstick and not enough seriousness. The major visuals and action weren’t enough to save the second film, so let’s hope that the director’s idea to get back to the basics of what made “Transformers” great — focusing more on the humans and less on the autobots — pays off.

Fresh off the release of an intense and action-packed commercial during the Super Bowl just a few weeks ago, we have a new 30-second television spot that was released yesterday during the Daytona 500. Director Michael Bay and stars Josh Duhamel and Rose Huntington-Whiteley were there to start off the race as well as to bring two of the new cars to the franchise to show off at the race.

In this quick but energetic clip, we have some images that we saw in the Super Bowl ad, but more importantly, we are seeing some scenes that we have not. In it, we see Starscream descending to attack, Bumblebee transforming on a coastal road into a new weapons mode, another angle of a spaceship descending onto downtown, Optimus Prime reloading a giant gun, and the introduction of a few new characters: the Wreckers.

So what do you think of this quick new glimpse at “Transformers: Dark of the Moon?” Are you getting more excited for the film or are you still skeptic until you see the finished product? Sound off in the comment section.

“Transformers: Dark of the Moon” opens in IMAX and 3D everywhere July 1.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Jen #

    This movie is looking better than the second one for sure!

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