Bradley Cooper in Talks for The Crow


Eleven days after April Fool’s Day, Relativity Media is supposedly in talks with Bradley Cooper to star in the “The Crow” remake.

This won’t work. Don’t get me wrong, I like Bradley Cooper, but not as Eric Draven.

Next thing you know, Juan Carlos Fresnadillo will drop out of the project as director. His replacement? M. Night Shyamalan. But seriously, why not name the film something else and loosely base it off of “The Crow”? Just a thought.

Apparently, Cooper and Fresnadillo met in Spain recently and the two hit it off.

Relativity has yet to confirm this news, but sources told Hollywood Reporter that Bradley Cooper is “keen to board” the project.

“The Crow” — co-written by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and Nick Cave — will start filming this fall.

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  1. amt8393 #

    Dear god in heaven I hope it’s just the rumor mill talking. I love Bradley Cooper but this is just not something he can pull off. It’s not something I want to see him try to pull off either. The role is dark and’d end up as a horror movie and thats not what it was about. The main character is I guess what we’d call emo. The guy who played Sam in Tron: Legacy would be more convincing or Ben Barnes. He was great in Dorian Gray.

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