When I first heard “Water for Elephants” would star Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz and Reese Witherspoon, my initial reaction was that it was an odd mix of talent. After watching the following eight clips, I still feel that way, but I think the movie might be an entertaining enough way to spend a few hours.
Sometimes, I watch the clips for movies and I’ve had my fill of the movie by the time the clips are done. With this one, I was getting into the story each time they ended and would happily have watched more. Unfortunately, the clips too often end in the middle of sentences, but you will definitely get the flavor of the movie.
In the end, even with a big star like Witherspoon and a well-respected actor like Waltz, “Water for Elephants” really rests with Pattinson. If you aren’t a fan, I don’t think this will make you one. However, if you already enjoy his work, I think you will find much to enjoy.
Directed by Francis Lawrence, “Water for Elephants” hits theaters starting April 15.
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I really hope this movie is good! The book is fantastic.
I haven’t read the book but the concept and visuals look striking enough to garner a watch.