Four Clips From ‘Love Happens’

Most people love Jennifer Aniston. And many people love romantic comedies. However, few people seem to be excited about Aniston’s new romantic comedy, “Love Happens.”

It could be the formulaic title or just the fact the trailer makes it seem like just about every other romantic comedy made in the past few decades (see it here), but people seem to be ready to wait until they can watch this one in the comfort of their own homes.

Speaking of which, we have four clips from the movie that you can watch in the comfort of your home right now. This should tide you over until the DVD hits the shelves.

3 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    Well, yeah, that should hold me over until the blu-ray comes out.

  2. kathleen #

    Thanks! Awesome!

  3. Alexis #

    Thanks! I love her!

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