Trailer: New Moon


I had my doubts about whether Taylor Lautner would be able to aptly portray Jacob in the “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” movie. I thought he didn’t look anything like Jacob from the “Twilight” books.

After watching the “New Moon” trailer, however, I was surprised to see that he may actually pull off playing Jacob in a manner close to author Stephanie Myers’ vision. I guess 30 pounds of muscle and longer hair will do wonders.

From what the trailer showed, the movie stays true to the book, which shouldn’t disappoint fans. I know I am looking forward to seeing “New Moon,” the best of the “Twilight” books in my opinion.

Also, based on the trailer, it looks like the movie will be less dark than the “Twilight” movie, which I think is a much needed improvement. I can’t put my finger on it, but there was a dark theme, or maybe it was the background music, that I really didn’t like about “Twilight.”

I’m glad director Catherine Harwicke didn’t direct this movie and I am looking forward to seeing what director Chris Weitz does with it.

“New Moon” will hit theaters Nov. 20. Its premiere will take place Nov. 16 at L.A.’s Village and Bruin theaters, according to the Mann Theater Web site. The soundtrack comes out Oct. 13.

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  1. 1

    My girlfriend really wants me to see the first one so I can see this one in the theater with her.

  2. 2

    Haha. I’m in the same boat.

  3. Alexis #

    I can’t wait!

  4. Vanna #

    I think I will wait for a more grown-up vampire story. This series seems directed at the teen crowd.

  5. 5

    Oh adults will like this too!

  6. Rose #

    I hope its as good as the first movie, really looking forward to the next one!!

  7. Disco #

    I watched Twilight against my will!

  8. halochad #

    im a teen and im not looking forward to it. read all the books and wasnt impressed

  9. Robb G #

    Why is Twilight so popular? Are the books that good?