Four Scenes From ‘Splinterheads’


Brant Sersen is the writer/director of the slightly humorous film “Splinterheads.”

The movie follows the story of Justin Frost (Thomas Middleditch), who is quite the slacker.

As the traveling carnival comes to town for the summer, the splinterheads come with it. They are the harder working group and do not like to be called a carnie because they actually earn a living through hustling and tricking townies out of their hard-earned money.

That’s where the first video comes into play, as The Amazing Steve (Jason Mantzoukas) cuts Wyoming (Lennon Parham) in half as the crowd is as utterly bored as I was by the act.

The second video is the most comedic of the four and actually made me chuckle here and there. Justin gets pulled over by a very hurt cop Sargeant Bruce Mancuso (Christopher McDonald). Christopher McDonald adds a very nice touch to a film that needs some help.

Justin ends up falling for a splinterhead and strikingly beautiful con-artist named Galaxy (Rachael Taylor). He finds that there are a few people in his life complicating his pursuit of his dream girl: a love-sick police sergeant who happens to be his mom’s ex-boyfriend, his 116-year-old grandfather who is the newly minted “World’s Oldest Living Man,” his best friend and current employer Wayne Chung, and Galaxy’s insanely jealous, belligerent carnie boyfriend Reggie.

The next video explains the difference between a carnie and a splinterhead.

And the final clip shows a little nerdier side to Galaxy in one of the more endearing clips.

Overall, some people will enjoy this type of comedy and others won’t, but before you decide, watch these clips — or at least watch the one where Justin gets pulled over.

The carnival arrives in theaters Nov. 6.

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3 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Thomas #

    What you said was dead on.

  2. Disco #

    The 2nd one was funny.

  3. Chase #

    It looks meh.