A Featurette and Three Clips From ‘Antichrist’


Independent features can be great in terms of storytelling, presentation and originality. Lars von Trier’s “Antichrist” seems to be no exception.

The story of a couple who retreat to a refuge in the woods after their son died could prove to be a strong psychological piece … a very dark psychological piece.

This dark story revolves around the mother and her psychological breakdown after the death of her son. She has to be checked into a hospital due to her overwhelming grief, then her husband decides to take her out to treat her himself at a cabin they have out in the woods.

The rehabilitation of this character is in no way a pretty task and leads to a few supernatural occurrences.

The footage demonstrates some very powerful performances, a must for this genre. Willem Dafoe, of “Spider-man,” plays the male lead. He’s built a rather impressive resume in both mainstream and independent circles, so he seems to be a very strong casting choice. Charlotte Gainsbourg, of “21 Grams,” has the difficult task of portraying the mother who loses her son. She looks to have delivered some very powerful performances throughout the trailer, making a great case for “Antichrist” during award season.

This controversial feature is not meant to be taken lightly, the promotional material on their website is a good demonstration of that. Audiences have gone in a variety of directions after viewings at film festivals, most notably “Cannes.”

The film has some very strong images and content, so be prepared when walking in for a viewing.

Overall, “Antichrist” seems like an original imagining from the Danish writer/director and could garner some very high praise in March 2010.

“Antichrist” is set for a U.S. release on Oct. 23, and is already available in the U.K.

In the meantime, check out this behind-the-scenes featurette, followed by three clips from the movie:

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Kat #

    I’m not sure about this movie!

  2. Jon #

    It’s a complete hit or miss, depending on who you talk to.

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  2. Under Review: 'Antichrist' | It’s Just Movies 23 05 10