Machete Kills: More Big Names Added


Robert Rodriguez is in his own realm as a director, and if you watched “Machete” (starring Danny Trejo) in 2010, then you understand exactly what I am talking about. It was like some B-movie you might have seen in the ‘80s, but with actors you would not have expected seeing in it, such as Robert De Niro, Don Johnson and Steven Segal.

It was violent, sexy and included both bad acting and ggod acting. It had over-the-top action sequences and unbelievable stunts. Yeah, it’s definitely a guy’s movie, especially with the hot starlets cast in the flick, including Lindsey Lohan, Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez.

But Rodriguez promised in an interview at the time that if “Machete” made any profit whatsoever, he would definitely make a sequel. Well, that seems to have been the case, as a sequel is already under way, and the cast keeps growing and growing with unique and controversial stars. Once again, Rodriguez is keeping his promise and is going out of his way to cast the most unique and outrageous bunch of stars you could possibly imagine.

We already knew various stars would be returning for the sequel, like Michele Rodriguez and Jessica Alba (cameo). But the web started to seriously buzz about the sequel when it was announced that none other than Mel Gibson had been cast for a villainous role in the movie. I thought my head would explode when I read this news. Since I feel it is time Mel Gibson return to the big screen and do what he does best — act and act crazy, in no specific order. I think “Machete Kills” will be a terrific vehicle for Mel Gibson to grace our theaters once again.

This would also be a good time to mention the new and extremely hot and beautiful additions Rodriguez has made for the movie. Last week, we heard Amber Heard (my current crush) and the universally-worshipped Sophia Vergara were also joining the film. This may be too much for the average guy to handle, but only time will tell if dudes start dropping dead in theaters around the world from heart failures.

But it does not end there. The good folks over at Deadline have scooped the news that Charlie “Freaking” Sheen has now also jumped on board the project to play the role of … wait for it … the president of the United States.

Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen are no strangers to the tabloids, but they are also charismatic and good actors, therefore I feel they would be assets to most any project the land on. What do you think about all this casting going on for the movie?

“Machete Kills” will strike theaters in 2013.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Doug #

    Haha. I love this cast. So bizarre.

  2. Canucklehead #

    This may be more outrageous than the original. Can not wait

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  1. Lady Gaga is La Chameleon /  It's Just Movies 03 09 12
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