Marvel Discussing Black Widow Movie


Although “Iron Man 2” was not as good as the first movie, it was still a huge success financially — bringing in $621,751,988 worldwide.

Part of the sequel’s allure was the surprisingly well-played turn by Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff (AKA The Black Widow). Scarlett stole the show for me. She shined and was excellent doing action sequences, despite not having done many action movies before-hand.

We already know she will be joining Thor, Captain America and Hulk in next year’s “The Avengers.” But what’s next for the popular character?

Marvel’s Kevin Feige told the folks over at The Playlist that “towards the end of the summer” we will be finding out more about all of their upcoming films.

One tidbit he did unveil now was that Marvel was “talking with Scarlett about what a Widow movie could be.”

    Internally, we’ve also started thinking what a “Hawkeye” movie could be, how we could continue to explore the organization [which Samuel Jackson‘s Nick Fury leads] S.H.I.E.L.D, which has a pretty big part in “Thor,” smaller parts in the two “Iron Man” films and has a giant part in “The Avengers.” [So it’s like], what would a stand-alone “S.H.I.E.L.D.” be like? It all goes back to the comics. Sometimes the answer is — when looking at a certain run of issues — “no way” and sometimes the answer is “maybe, let’s continue to explore it.” And certainly with Hawkeye and Black Widow, those are two that we’re exploring.

So, are you glad to hear confirmation these ideas are actually being considered? What movie would you like to see first?

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. moviefan #

    Would be nice to see.

  2. Andy Behbakht #

    I would totally want to see that happen!

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