Ra’s Al Ghul to Appear in ‘The Dark Knight Rises’


More and more news is starting to slowly trickle our way for the mystery that is “The Dark Knight Rises.” Of course, we knew that Christian Bale was returning, as would Gary Oldman. It was also safe to say Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine would return.

But the casting surprises started to roll in when it was announced Anne Hathaway was cast as Selina Kyle (AKA Catwoman) and Tom Hardy was to be Bane. Their casting was followed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard. All great additions to the already popular and stellar cast.

Now, Hollywood Reporter is announcing that Josh Pence (“The Social Network”) has been cast as a young Ra’s Al Ghul in “The Dark Knight Rises.”

It’s interesting to discover this is the character he will be playing, since the character was already played by Liam Neeson in the first outing “Batman Begins.” Hollywood Reporter says their source revealed, “Pence will appear in scenes that take place 30 years prior to the present story.”

To be honest, I am shocked we even got this much information as Christopher Nolan always has such tight-lipped productions and since we still don’t know for sure what roles Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard are playing.

Do you like this little piece of information? Is it a good casting in your opinion? Tell us what you think.

“Dark Knight Rises” will hit the big screens on July 20, 2012

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Andy Behbakht #

    Awesome! 😀

  2. moviefan #

    pretty neat can’t wait to see what his scenes are.

  3. Sherice Antoinette #

    Helloooo Nurse!

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