Seven Clips from ‘Arthur’


Is a grown man with a nanny and no job attractive? Many women would probably say no, but I think audiences will find the title star of the remake “Arthur” to be entertaining and sweet.

Arthur (Russell Brand) is having fun with his life that includes no responsibilities, with his nanny Hobson (Helen Mirren) there to take care of him. But his mother tells him if he doesn’t marry the social ladder climbing Susan (Jennifer Garner), he’ll lose all of his money. But Arthur is determined not to wed Susan, so it’s time to grow up while still keeping that boyish charm.

Many of the following clips show Arthur’s child-like nature. In “Without the Money,” Hobson has finished reading Arthur a “Frog and Toad” book before bed; in “Crime Fighters,” Arthur thinks it’s a good idea for he and his driver Bitterman (Luis Guzman) to dress as Batman and Robin for his mother’s black tie event.

The clips also show his stance against marrying Susan (“Something to Ask,” “Cancel the Wedding”), and attempts to woo an unlicensed tour guide named Naomi (Greta Gerwig) (“Who Are You,” “Tour License”).

Arthur’s special relationship with Hobson is also highlighted. In “Why Now,” Hobson tells Arthur she was in love once when Arthur was a little boy. Her lover wanted to move to Spain, but Hobson couldn’t, she tells Arthur: “It was too late. I loved you.”

If you’ve seen any of the “Arthur” trailers, chances are you may have seen snippets of many of these clips, but that doesn’t make them any less fun. Mirren seems perfect as the stern but loving Hobson, and I really enjoyed seeing Garner play someone who isn’t pure saccharine.

But, obviously, Brand is the most fun to watch, and perfectly nails his lines. I laughed when he tells Susan why he doesn’t like horses: “Their shoes are permanent. Who makes that kind of commitment to a shoe?” And I giggled when he says to Bitterman in a little boy voice, “I can see your tummy!”

Be amused by “Arthur” when it comes to theaters on April 8.

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1 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Anquan #

    I’ll probably catch this on Showtime or something like that.