Six Scenes from Fantastic Mr. Fox


First Spike Jonze took on a children’s literary classic with “Where the Wild Things Are,” and this Thanksgiving Wes Anderson follows suit with “Fantastic Mr. Fox.”

Based on the novel by Roald Dahl, this stop-motion animation film tells the story of crafty Mr. Fox (George Clooney), who steals meals from crooked farmers to provide for his family. But when the fed-up farmers try to kill Mr. Fox, he bands together with his family and friends to get the animal community to safety.

“Fantastic Mr. Fox” — which also features the voice talent of Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, Adrien Brody, Owen Wilson, Willem Dafoe, Jason Schwartzman, Brian Cox and Michael Gambon — is scheduled to be released Nov. 25.

To see additional scenes from the movie, click here.

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3 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Kat #

    I might see this!

  2. Disco #

    I expected more from this.

  3. Dani #

    Im losing interest in this movie.

2 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. uberVU - social comments 22 10 09
  2. Four More Clips From ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ | It's Just Movies 02 11 09
  3. Two Featurettes From 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' | It's Just Movies 10 11 09