Six Clips from ‘Tooth Fairy’


I did not really know The Rock during his wrestling days, but I have followed him closely since he launched his movie career. Nevertheless, I believe It is possible that his wrestling background and experience; performing in front of thousands of people, has assisted him strongly in being able to convey his charismatic persona into his films, this may also be the reason the reason that he has been so successful on his “Saturday Night Live” skits and performances that have become so popular. Again, he has no problem with live crowds.

Ever since he transcended into the movie business, he has had hits and misses. Yet, I have been able to forgive most of his misses, solely based on my love for his performance on one particular film: “The Rundown.” Here, he was full-blown funny, charismatic and an all-out action hero. It was in that movie that he made us a promise to carry the action torch to the new generation, as Arnold passed him by in that early scene, we saw a new hope, we saw the nature of the man before us.

I must admit, he has been great in several of his comedic supporting roles, for example, he was great in “Get Smart,” and I will miss him if there is a sequel. Yet, it is necessary to ask, what direction does he want to go with his movie career? It is definitely a mystery to me. How long do have do we have to wait for “Spy Hunter” to be released? It’s been finished since 2006, why is it on hold? Instead he has entered a realm that many action stars creep into in a much later period of their action career. Yes, it seems his agent and friends are ill-advising him to continue down this path of mildly-successfully kids movies, actually, four in a row.

Now, on the eve of the announcement that there would be a “Game Plan 2,” The Rock surprises us with yet another, in this case, it is titled: “Tooth Fairy.” It stars Ashley Judd, Billy Crystal and the great Julie Andrews. Embedded below in this article are six clips for the movie. With these you will pretty much get an outline of the plot of the movie and perhaps some spoilers you may want to avoid, if you are going to watch it.

In the first clip, we learn that oddly enough, his character was already known as the tooth fairy in his hockey career, and he really rode that catchy title for team.

In the following clip, his character starts to grow his “fairy wings” at an unexpected moment. This clip includes the lovely Ashley Judd.

It seems that Julie Andrew’s character, yes, “Mary Poppins,” I mean Lily, is the head boss of the tooth fairies, and in this next clip, The Rock’s character, Derek, is complaining to Lily about … everything.

In this next clip (my favorite), it seems Derek has accepted his fate of being a “Tooth Fairy,” but he claims, “I’m doing it my way.”

Here, Derek return to Lily, saying he “wants more stuff.”

In this final clip, the “Tooth Fairy” needs to make a quick getaway and he manages this in a very interesting way.

“Tooth Fairy” will be released Jan. 22.

. . .

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4 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Mo GB #

    I’m going to have to skip this one.

  2. 2

    Err, wasn’t the Spyhunter gig just for a computer game with him playing the lead character? I’ve seen the game.

  3. 3

    The Rock can do no wrong for me, so I may take my kids to see this. For them though, you understand… 😉

  4. 4

    just checked re: Spyhunter

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