— by ADAM POYNTER — How terrified and scared would you be if you went into your bank, just for a simple deposit or withdrawal, and found yourself stuck in the middle of a robbery? Would it be even worse if a second robbery occurred while the first was taking place? That’s exactly[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Ashley Judd’
Filming Under Way on ‘Dolphin Tale’
Principal photography has begun on Alcon Entertainment’s “Dolphin Tale,” inspired by the remarkable true story of a courageous dolphin named Winter and the compassionate people who banded together to save her life. The film stars Academy Award® winner Morgan Freeman (“Millio[...]
Six Clips from ‘Tooth Fairy’
— by JOSUE SANCHEZ — I did not really know The Rock during his wrestling days, but I have followed him closely since he launched his movie career. Nevertheless, I believe It is possible that his wrestling background and experience; performing in front of thousands of people, has assisted[...]
Trailer Talk: ‘Tooth Fairy’
— by SEAN GERSKI — All I kept thinking while I was watching the trailer for “Tooth Fairy” was that it is an awful waste of talent. We’ve all seen Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews and Bill Crystal do quality work. Heck, even Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has shown some[...]