If you are, as I am, anxiously waiting for the next Jack Ryan interpretation to hit the big screen, then you probably have already heard two exciting bits of news that have recently been announced for the next installment.
First, they have found their leading man for the role of Jack in Chris Pine (“Star Trek” and “Unstoppable”), and second, they have scored themselves an outstanding director to mold the project together: Jack Bender (“Alias,” “Lost” and “Sopranos”). More on these two later.
Now for more big news — we have a writer for the next movie, which is temporarily titled “Moscow.” According to Deadline, Steve Zaillian has been brought on to write the script for the next film — which is supposed to inject life back into the franchise — and if you ask me, he is the most appropriate. Zaillian has been involved with pretty much all of the previous Jack Ryan movies, which in my opinion makes him the foremost expert. He actually wrote the script for “Clear and Present Danger,” and was partially involved in the writing of “Patriot Games.” So, are you sold yet?
Here is a quick plot outline, as reported by Coming Soon a while back:
“We pick him up when he’s on Wall Street,” says Neufeld, “…[but] the Jack Ryan movie have never been action films. They’re kind of ‘thinking man’s thrillers.’ Jack is referred to as a ‘water-walker’ because of his ability to jump ahead to conclusions. That’s very big in all the Jack Ryan films and that’s how we want to portray him. He’s a teacher. He’s a historian. He’s a linguist. And he’s really smart.”
I am a huge fan of the Jack Ryan movies. I have enjoyed them all, with the exception of “Sum of All Fears,” which wasn’t bad, but I can quite place my finger on why it disappointed me so. With “The Hunt for Red October,” actor Sean Connery pretty much stole the show, though Jack Ryan as played by Alec Baldwin was truer to his character. But when Harrison Ford took over the role, it became his character. “Patriot Games” is clearly different than any spy movie ever made. Ford brought to life an American James Bond. This second movie was also a hit and it paved the way for the next one: “Clear and Present Danger.” In this third Tom Clancy story to become a movie, we got more action, and more politics, and it was once again a huge hit.
Chris Pine being involved in the movie is already in itself a huge push for the franchise. Besides his good looks and popularity, he brings freshness to his roles and injects them with life. He can play the overconfident persona majestically — as we saw with his interpretation of James T. Kirk in “Star Trek.” If that is any sign of what we can expect from this next franchise he will be taking on, then we can expect a total re-invigoration of the Jack Ryan movies.
Finally, Jack Bender will be taking on the challenge of directing this movie. His previous works have definitely prepared him for this challenge in my opinion. With “Alias,” as well as “Lost,” he had the opportunity to direct great action sequences, while at the same time taking advantage of the magnificent talents of the actors and actresses and using them to their potential. That’s what separated these shows from the rest, and even today, long since their conclusions, they continue to be talked about, celebrated and followed by many.
What do you think about the three parties involved in the next Jack Ryan movie? Are all the factors lining up for a fantastic movie? Shoot us your comments.
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