— by SHERICE ANTOINETTE — So, the sequel to “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” won’t be called “Wolverine 2.” Instead Darren Aronofsky confirmed that the new title will be “The Wolverine.” Upon hearing this news, I’ve decided to erase any remnants of “X-Men Origins: Wol[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Hugh Jackman’
‘Wolverine 2’ to Start Filming in January
— by CAM SMITH — Wow, no sooner had I finished taking easy pot-shots at “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” than ultra-big news broke that the follow-up to that slapped together heap of mediocrity (for more pithy bitterness, read my original review) is rarin’ and ready to go before cameras [...]
Hugh Jackman talks ‘Wolverine 2’
— by BEN FOWLER — At the recent People’s Choice Awards, Hugh Jackman gave an exclusive scoop announcing “Wolverine 2” will be going before the cameras in “a year to a year and a half …” Now, there aren’t many people that really loved “X-Men Origins:[...]
Trailer Talk: ‘Oh My God’
— by JON MARTINCIC — “Oh My God” is Peter Roger’s documentary about the variety of religious views around the world and their perspective of who they believe to be our higher power. There are also a series of guest appearances from notable faces including Hugh Jackman, Ringo[...]
What’s Next For Wolverine?
— by NOAH VOGT — After the May release of 20th Century Fox’s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” I think it’s safe to say most of the general audience left the theater feeling that maybe they’ve seen our favorite adamantium hero claw one too many X symbols on the wall.[...]