Posts Tagged ‘Jennifer Morrison’

Under Review: ‘Warrior’

— by ADAM POYNTER — Everybody loves an underdog and in director Gavin O’Connor’s latest film, “Warrior,” we have two — and they are estranged brothers. Brendan Conlon (Joel Edgerton) is a high school physics teacher who has a bank about to foreclose on his house and[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘Warrior’

— by JOSUE SANCHEZ — In light of the success of “The Fighter,” it’s no surprise more sports and boxing movies will be heading our way, especially if they are based on true stories, or can be motivational. After watching the trailer (below) for “Warrior,” it [...]

An Exclusive Interview with Mike Samonek

— by SEAN GERSKI — Writer-director Mike Samonek didn’t exactly take the straightest route to Hollywood. “I grew up in Michigan and Texas and went to UT Austin,” he said. “I worked as an advertising copywriter in New York for most of the ’90s, before taking[...]