— by RON WILKINSON — The acclaimed professor at an elite prep school climbs out of a third-story window in the middle of class and does a swan dive. A bad day for the teacher and a rough year for the school, but nothing compared to what lies in store for humanity. As might be […][...]
Posts Tagged ‘Laurent Lafitte’
Review: Paul Sanchez is Back!
— by RON WILKINSON — Paul Sanchez Is Back! And we are all Paul Sanchez! A loopy curve ball of a flick that gets wackier and wackier until it is not anymore. A mysterious mass murderer who killed his family, burnt their bodies and then disappeared has been spotted by locals. All the south[...]
Review: Elle
— by RON WILKINSON — Most mystery thrillers begin with a little mystery and build up the tension until the end when all is explained, to the amazement of the audience. In Isabelle Huppert’s films, the story starts with a little mystery and ends with an even bigger mystery at the end. P[...]
Review: Bright Days Ahead
— by RON WILKINSON — Marion Vernoux’s romantic comedy starts off with recent retiree Caroline (Fanny Ardant—“8 Women,” Confidentially Yours”) plunging ahead with retirement at the Bright Days Ahead senior center. The screenplay has Caroline visiting the center with trepidation [...]