Posts Tagged ‘Sienna Guillory’

Review: A Banquet

— by WILLIAM STERR — Imagine you are a woman methodically cleaning a chair, scrubbing thoroughly. In the background, someone is coughing – very hard – trying to breathe. You go on scrubbing as the coughing gets more and more desperate. Finally, you rise and try to comfort a man who s[...]

Review: Resident Evil: Retribution

— by JESSIKA OWENS — Retribution is punishment that is perceived to be morally just and fully deserved. I can hear the boos and such as I say the fifth installment of the “Resident Evil” franchise is not retribution for the fans. We deserve better. I am by no means saying I h[...]

Under Review: ‘The Big Bang’

— by ADAM POYNTER — Late at night, a tired private investigator names Ned Cruz (Antonio Banderas) stumbles into his office to be surprised by the appearance of a recently-paroled Russian boxer named Anton Protopov (Robert Maillet) who wants him to track down his pen-pal girlfriend Lexie [...]