— by ANDY BEHBAKHT — “X-Men: First Class” was one of 2011’s most successful movies and back in November it was reported that Simon Kinberg would be writing a screenplay for a sequel about Marvel’s most popular mutants. Today, it was officially announced that the director for the [...]
Posts Tagged ‘“X-Men: First Class”’
Simon Kinberg Writing X-Men: First Class Sequel
— by ANDY BEHBAKHT — This has been a great year for Marvel Studios with “Thor,” “Captain America: The First Avenger” and “X-Men: First Class” — all of which can be considered box office successes. And now, unsurprisingly, all three are on their[...]
Under Review: X-Men: First Class
— by ADAM POYNTER — “X-Men: First Class” is a unique film that straddles the border between three genres; reboot, origins story and a re-imagining of the characters and the world in which they live. Going back to 1962, at the height of the Cold War, a young man named Charles Xavier ([...]
Six New Clips from ‘X-Men: First Class’
— by ADAM POYNTER — Matthew Vaughn’s “X-Men: First Class” will be hitting theaters June 3. In the past few weeks, we have seen the release of multiple new trailers, TV spots, posters and more and the more I see of the movie the more my anticipation level rises. Charles [...]
A Featurette from ‘X-Men: First Class’
— by LAUDELYS MIRANDA — One of the most anticipated films of the summer has finally arrived. The origins story of a group of misfits known as The X-Men begins with the friendship between Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr. In “X-Men: First Class,” we get to witness[...]