The Hunger Games Feature Trailer


This was a big week for “The Hunger Games” fandom. For the film, Lionsgate: released a new still of Katniss Everdeen in her jumpsuit for the arena; announced a “contest” in which fans can win tickets to the Los Angeles premiere of the movie; and released the feature length trailer for the film.

It was rumored that the feature trailer was to air during the pre-game show on Super Bowl Sunday (according to Entertainment Tonight), but it was released early. As with any fandom, especially one adapted from a series of novels, there will be an uprising of how closely certain elements of those beloved books are followed in the film adaptation and from the get go, the fandom has voiced their opinions on the first 10 seconds of the trailer about the origin of the mockingjay pin that Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) gives to her younger sister Prim.

“Want to see what I got you today? It’s a mockingjay pin. As long as you have it, nothing bad will happen to you. I promise.” says Katniss

However, if you’ve read the books you know that the mockingjay pin originated with the character Madge Undersee, who seems to have been cut from the film. There are theories as to why, and whether or not we will learn about Madge in the consecutive films, but in my opinion it’s really a pretty trivial detail that can be deleted for getting the plot of the story moving along and not having to introduce as minor of a character as Madge.

In this shorter trailer, we see many of the scenes that were included in the teaser — the forest on fire — as well as in the first trailer released in November ,with a few more glances of Donald Sutherland’s character, President Snow, and a concentration on the pre-games interviews with Stanley Tucci’s character, Ceasar Flickerman. And, of course, we get a short glimpse of the Arena again as the Tributes race each other towards points unknown when the signal sounds to begin the games.

It’s a fight for their lives and “The Hunger Games” releases in theaters in less than two months. Watch the trailer below and let us know, did it pump you up enough to want to see this film in theaters in March?

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    This trailer makes me even more excited for this film. In this cased I really do hope they can do the books justice when translating them to the big screen.

  2. Canucklehead #

    Still looks to be filled with way too much teen angst

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