Three Clips from ‘The Fighter’


After watching the trailer for “The Fighter,” there was so much that went through my head.

I am really glad to be writing this article because now that I’ve watched these three clips below, I feel certain of my original thoughts.

“The Fighter” stars Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and Amy Adams in the life story of professional boxer “Irish” Micky Ward (Wahlberg) and his older brother Dickie Eklund (Bale).

Bale plays Micky’s half-brother, a once-talented fighter who actually went the distance with Sugar Ray Leonard in a title fight.  Later, he slipped into a life of crime and it landed him in prison. But he turned his life around and finally helped his brother and nudged him to the world title. It is surprising to me to see Christian “Batman” Bale co-tarring Mark Wahlberg. But when I learn more about the characters, you can see why Bale would have been attracted to this role. Dickey is the more troubled and complex character, and by what I have seen so far and read, his character is the greater challenge to play. It is role that should not be taken lightly and not just any actor could play, and once you watch the clips below you will see Bale takes it seriously, as most of the attention goes to his character in these.

On a side note, I find it interesting how Bale gains and loses weight for these different roles he plays (“The Machinist,” “Rescue Dawn” and now “The Fighter”). Are his trainers telling him this is healthy? I can’t imagine how it’s possible that it isn’t taking a toll on him. Although it shows the kind of commitment Bale has towards the projects he is working on, it is also a matter of concern to me. But when all is said and done, Christian Bale is a heck of and actor. I have been following his career since he was a kid.

Now, about Wahlberg, here we have a guy who has built himself up as an actor. He has had the opportunity to work with great actors and to grow and develop his acting chops. He has definitely impressed me in certain occasions, like with “The Departed,” where he really let it all out. At the same time, he can turn around do action movies, like “Shooter,” where I was instantly sold on him doing smart, “Bourne Identity” kinds of films. Yet he can also be hilarious, like he was with “The Other Guys,” where he actually stood toe to toe with Will Farrell.

I think this movie can certainly be a good “Rocky” with a hint of “Raging Bull” kind of inspirational real life movie. It certainly has the right actors in it to do it. What do you think?

“The Fighter” will hit the big screen on Dec. 10.

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  1. bigge3021 #

    Good job, buddy. Yeah I read the same thing about Bale taking this role because it’s a complex role that’s usually suitable for him. As well he might get some awards (maybe oscar) nominations for that role. As for the movie itself, must admit that I am not too excited to see this movie in theaters and probably wait to see it when comes out on dvd. =)

  2. tom #

    Dear josue,
    I too have so much that goes through my head.
    I think you can write and exceLlent film clip review. I liked how you talked about other important stuff like how Mark Walhberg can do lotsa different different roles and how Shooter is recognized for the great an smart film that it was (thank you!) I thought it was good how you remarked on how Bale is changing his weight a lot, that’s not good. I will be looking for this movie now, thanks.

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