Are you ready for Christmas yet? In this fun, animated teaser for “Arthur Christmas,” the son of Santa Claus is ready to join the family business and hijinks are sure to ensue.
“Arthur Christmas” promises to reveal the question asked by every child and adult: “So how exactly does Santa deliver all those presents in one silent night?” The answer involves Santa’s ultra-high-tech operation, hidden beneath the North Pole, with his super well-trained army-wrapping machine of elves.
But at the heart of the story is a tale of a family — with comical dysfunction — and an unlikely hero, Arthur, with an urgent mission that must be completed before Christmas morning arrives. Arthur, of course, has a long way to go before he proves himself if the angry polar bear chasing him is any indication, but his journey is sure to be heartwarming and entertaining for the entire family
Voiced by James McAvoy (Arthur Christmas), Jim Broadbent (Santa), Hugh Laurie (Steve) and Bill Nighy (grand Santa), “Arthur Christmas” visits theaters starting Nov. 23.
Below are a pair of teaser trailers for the upcoming family film.
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Looks like a good family Christmas film.
Looks like something that I would actually take my daughter to see and she would enjoy it during the holidays.