Trailer Talk: ‘Dylan Dog: Dead of Night’


If you haven’t watched the English language trailer for the movie “Dylan Dog: Dead of Night,” starring Brandon Routh, you should definitely check it out below. We previously posted the Italian trailer and some clips that were released (as well as our exclusive test screening review of the movie in September 2009).

But the earlier clips and such were from during the early filming stages of the movie. They didn’t show much. So I never imagined from what I saw in those preview clips that this movie would look as good as it does in the new trailer.

With this new trailer, we are dropped right into the middle of Dylan’s world. One that includes zombies, vampires and werewolves.

But Dylan is the right man to take us in and be our liaison to this supernatural world. Routh plays his role confidently — he’s smart and unflinching. There is even a comedic side to what we see in this trailer that makes this movie different from recent Vampire movies we have been seeing lately, such as “Underworld,” and “Twilight.”

“Dylan Dog: Dead of Night is based on one of the world’s most popular comics (60 million copies worldwide). Dylan’s P.I. business card reads “No Pulse? No Problem.” Armed with an arsenal of silver and wood-tipped bullets, he tracks down a dangerous artifact before a war ensues between his werewolf, vampire and zombie clients living undercover in the monster infested backstreets of New Orleans.

This is a whole new and fresh take in my opinion. Perhaps the only movie I can remember pulling this off was Michael J. Fox’s “The Frighteners.” And if it turns out to be anything like that movie, it is “plus” in my opinion.

The trailer is action packed and full of great special effects. But the big surprise for me was Brandon Routh. Here he shows us why he was picked as Superman before, and why they should have picked him for this latest movie. He is a leading man, and it shows. He has a charisma to him that can’t be ignored, even when he is in a scene with colorful monsters and special effects, all eyes go to him.

This horror/comedy with the tag-line “Living investigator, Undead clients, Zombie partner” is sure to get people curious, and hopefully will fill seats in theaters when it is released on April 29.

“Dylan Dog: Dead of Night” also stars Sam Huntington, Anita Briem, Peter Stormare and Taye Diggs.

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5 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Adam P #

    I would love to see this movie, I have heard nothing but good things about it.

  2. 2

    Pretty interesting to read positive reviews- I don’t think that the trailer does a good job of making it look enticing and like a high budget well thought out film. I’ve gotten a “poor mans Constantine” vibe to it- though just from the trailer and images, not from the original source material. Will be interesting to see if it pulls off that Frighteners vibe.

  3. stargazer #

    Nice article. As a big Routh fan, I can’t wait for this!

  4. 4

    Working With Brandon Routh In Dead Of Night Was a Really Fun Shoot The Entire Cast And Crew Were Amazing Director Kevin Munroe Was Tops!

  5. amt8393 #

    Ok after viewing the preview I can tell this is going to be amusing. I’ll be honest it’s going on my must see list.