Trailer Talk: ‘God Bless Ozzy Osbourne’


The life of Ozzy Osbourne has been talked about for years. There is much to talk about — the drugs, the biting off of animal heads, the reality show, the dysfunctional family, and even the drug problems of Ozzy’s children.

So what can we learn from a documentary about this rock legend that we couldn’t derive from the reality show and countless other documentaries? I believe the answer lies in one of the producers and directors of “God Bless Ozzy Osbourne” — Jack Osbourne, Ozzy’s son.

Having somebody as close to Ozzy as his son make this film kind of has me worried. Somebody that knows and loves Ozzy as much as Jack might have somewhat of a biased view on his triumphs, as well as his tragedies. On the other hand, sometimes the ones who are closest to us judge us the hardest. Either way, I think it is going to be most interesting to see Jack’s take on Ozzy’s life.

My biggest question regarding this film is: “What am I going to learn about Ozzy that I don’t already know?” I am a biased viewer because I am a huge fan of Mr. Osbourne and his family. Yes, even Sharon Osbourne, I don’t care what all the nay-sayers think. Of course, for folks who aren’t huge fans, or even fans at all, there might be a treasure trove of stuff in this documentary that will perhaps open a doorway to the mind of The Prince of Darkness.

I think the factor that is holding this film back is that the reality show, “The Osbournes,” became such a quick success and such a media spectacle and circus. People sort of laugh off any credibility any members of MTV’s prize family happen to have. What speaks to me most, and what really has me anxious to see this film, is the fact that Ozzy has battled alcohol and drugs for most of his life, but he has battled on, and perhaps his biggest pitfall was when his children also became addicts. Jack has battled his demons and I think he can view Ozzy’s struggle with empathy. It’s not a bond that I would wish for me and a parent, but it is a bond none the less and takes away some of the bias. It sort of makes the playing field fair. They have walked in each other’s shoes, and the film is just another step for them.

“God Bless Ozzy Osbourne” premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival April 24.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Adam P #

    I like the idea of this documentary, but they didn’t do a good job on this trailer. I thought it would be more of a montage of photos and footage, but they just focus on this single event, they should broaden the focus of the trailer to bring more attention to him and his career to spike interests in the film.