Trailer Talk: ‘Hellacious Acres: The Case of John Glass’


Soon to hit the movie festival circuit is “Hellacious Acres: The Case of John Glass,” the new feature film from writer-director Pat Tremblay. Being a staple in the underground film scene since the ’90s, the Montreal-based Tremblay has slowly built up a following and gained some acknowledgment from critics with his past film “Heads of Control” and his short “Truck Lover.”

“Hellacious Acres: The Case of John Glass” is a minimalist post-apocalyptic dark satire comedy that tells the story of the casualties of war, science-fiction becoming a reality and a twisted look at a dark future with deadpan humor.

John Glass (Navin Pretap) wakes up in a desolated barn from a long session in a cryogenic chamber, only to realize that not only the planet has been devastated by a third world war, but also made Earth almost completely uninhabitable by a subsequent alien invasion. He learns that in order to reestablish a livable atmosphere for what’s left of humanity, he’ll have to go on a solitary mission to retrieve important codes dispersed in remote locations. Soon enough, he’ll encounter more than he bargained for: aliens, crazy survivors, inadequate equipment, LOTS of walking and a pretty unhealthy dose of bad luck.

You can watch the new teaser trailer right here.

So now that you have watched the trailer and know the basic storyline, does it intrigue you or make you want to see more?

It is hard for me to say, because after reading about the movie I got a little excited and then the teaser trailer doesn’t show a lot of the plot, but still I am interested. The look and feel of the movie is very reminiscent of a Quentin Tarantino film and the music reminds me of an old cowboy movie and there’s about to be a showdown.

The one thing that I would find inhibiting my enjoyment of the film is if that voice is the main narration the entire time. I think the voice is unique and fitting, but that much scratchiness over a long period of time would get on my nerves. But, besides that little thing, I find nothing else wrong with the concept or trailer and look forward to the day I might actually get to see it.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Nate #

    Interesting concept, but this trailer doesnt show much.