Trailer Talk: ‘Justin Bieber: Never Say Never’


My roommate and I made a pact a few weeks ago: if neither of us have dates for Valentine’s Day next year, we’ll go see “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” together. Please God, let us have dates for Valentine’s Day! (Note: I’m just kidding about my part of the pact. I’m fairly certain my roommate is, too. At least, I hope so!).

I don’t see why this 16-year-old nail polish designin’, Kim Kardashian-lovin’, (allegedly) laser tag fight startin’ pop sensation has his own biopic already. Oh, wait a second…. I do! The kid must bring in billions of dollars, and someone in the film industry thought, “We should get in on this!” Hey, the JoBros did it… why not Bieber?

Anyway, in the trailer for “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never,” Bieber Fever is a full-fledged disease. Thousands of screaming fans attend his concerts, and one fan says she has been a fan since he posted his first video, and she’ll be a fan until he posts his last.

This biopic includes a lot of concert footage interspersed with home videos (I gotta admit, little Bieber is pretty freakin’ cute), interviews with the man himself, along with others like his mentor Usher.

The trailer tries to show the paradigm between Bieber, the super star who has already published his first autobiography and has a million adoring fans, and Justin, a regular teenager (he has fun on a Segway! He rehearses in some kind of locker room shower — fully clothed, mind you!). I have a hard time buying the second part. How many regular teenagers hang out with Will Smith’s son and tour the entire world?

Oh, and did I mention it’s in 3D? Yeah. I know. Does that make you want to see it less or more? Riveting, I tell you!

. . .

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. ruthie #

    cant wait! I heart justin bieber

  2. justin #

    he’s wonderful!

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