Love is a complex emotion; you can feel it stronger at certain times than others. Common terms that are used liked “falling in love” or “not in love” describes how this emotion can change. The film “Last Night” tackles many of these feelings and how they can change overtime. Director Massy Tadjedin hopes to weave a dramatic tale of lost love, temptation, betrayal and hopefully redemption.
“Last Night” is a story about married couple — Michael (Sam Worthington) and Joanna (Keira Knightley) — who encounter problems when Joanna meets a close business associate of Michael’s named Laura (Eva Mendes) whom he has never mentioned. Joanna questions Sam about her and he says there is nothing going. When it is discovered that Michale will be going out of town on a business trip with Laura, it puts Joanna at a breaking point. It is then that she runs into a past lover, Alex (Guillaume Canet), and being at her most vulnerable she agrees to go out to dinner with him. As Michael and Joanna each face temptation while away from each other, they must decide whether to remain faithful or break the bonds of marriage and trust.
This trailer is very calm and low-key, but there are emotions bursting from every scene. I like the idea of Sam Worthington in a movie that isn’t action or sci-fi, because I think he is very talented. Keira Knightley has done the dramatic and romantic before in “Pride and Prejudice” and “The Duchess,” so I don’t see her having any trouble pulling off her part of the distraught wife. I do wish that Eva Mendes would be used for something other than a temptation and hopefully she has some dramatic scenes of her own. The one unknown for me is Guillaume Canet. Looking through his past work, it’s mostly all foreign films, so I am hopeful he will be the monkey-wrench in this story.
“Last Night” could easily turn into a basic copy of “Revolutionary Road” or “Derailed” — both of which were decent films — but I want something to be unique, open my eyes to a new story or surprise me with a different ending.
Overall, the look of the film is very mood appropriate and it seems to be a very dramatic film that might be worth checking out. What do you think based off this trailer, is it worthy to be watched in a theater or wait for it on DVD? Check out the trailer below and then leave a comment letting us know your thoughts.
“Last Night” opens May 20 and is rated R for strong language.
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This one’s definitely on my radar.