Trailer Talk: ‘Mars Needs Moms’


I remember the days when I used to look forward to new CGI movies coming out (think “Shrek” and “Toy Story”). Now, the plotlines for these films seem silly, and sometimes downright dumb — basically of no interest to an adult viewer. But I can still marvel at and appreciate the animation.

This pretty much sums up how I feel about the trailer for “Mars Needs Moms.” The movie tells the story of Milo, a 9-year-old boy (voiced by Seth Green) who is pretty fed up with his mom telling him to eat his broccoli. But one day his mom (voiced by Joan Cusack) gets kidnapped by Martians. Milo heads to space to save his mom and gets some help from new friends along the way, including a young Martian girl.

Yawn. The only thing interesting me here is that 36-year-old Green is putting child actors out of work by voicing a 9-year-old. Hey, maybe he’s saving them from the downward spiral sometimes caused by child stardom (looking at you, Lindsay and Britney).

The spaceship to Mars takes off (in 3D) on March 11, 2011.

. . .

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  1. Sherice Antoinette #

    There is something unsettling about the character design and animation. Def not something on the top of my list of things to see.

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