Out of tragedy comes “Rebirth,” a documentary chronicling the lives of five survivors and the family members whose lives were changed forever when two planes struck the World Trade Center buildings. With the 10th anniversary of one of the most horrific crimes in United States history coming next month, director James Whitaker has put together a film that shows us the progression, depression, regeneration and acceptance of these brave individuals following September 11, 2001.
In the documentary “Rebirth,” we follow a New York City firefighter who lost his best friend in the collapse that day, a woman who worked in the world trade center and was on an impact floor, a son who lost his mother, a woman who lost her fiancé who was a firefighter and a man who lost his brother. The film also uses time-lapse photography to show the process of cleaning out and then starting to rebuild on the site where the towers used to stand.
Watch the trailer and then we can discuss.
Wow, what an amazing trailer. I can tell that this film is just drenched with emotional sincerity and pain as you see them open up about their lives and all of the fears and doubts they encounter. I know most people can remember where they were or what they were doing the moment they heard about the terror that rocked the nation and the world.
“Rebirth” premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and was met with a tear-filled room and a standing ovation. For those who are leery about bringing up a wound in their emotional psyche after seeing the film, audience members who were asked about the film after seeing it were very clear that besides the opening montage, which quickly sets up the film, the entire rest of the touching movie is purely focused on the survivors and their struggles with life, and learning to move forward and love again. This is a must see for me. How about you?
Showtime has procured “Rebirth” for a special showing Sept. 11 and the film is also hoping for a limited run in theaters as well. So whether you want to catch it from the comfort of your own home or are lucky enough to see it on the big screen, you can get more information about the film at www.projectrebirth.org.
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Perfect title