Under Review: ‘Bounty Hunter’


There is always the hope when one sits down to watch a romantic comedy that it will meet or surpass expectations. At first glance, “Bounty Hunter” appears to be a well-done romantic comedy, but upon further examination, the movie has missed the mark and leaves one wanting more. “Bounty Hunter” is directed by Andy Tennant (“Fool’s Gold”). The players in this half-hearted film are Jennifer Aniston, Gerard Butler, Jason Sudeikis and Christine Baranski.

While “Bounty Hunter” is funny, it lacks any real romance. The chemistry between Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler is non-existent. As a viewer, you want to love the pair, but unfortunately there are no sparks flying between the two. Individually, however, both Aniston and Butler give good performances.

Milo Boyd (Butler) is a former New York cop turned bounty hunter who has discovered his ex-wife, Nicole Hurley (Aniston), has failed to appear in court and is now a wanted woman. Milo is only too happy to receive a $5,000.00 paycheck for finding her and bringing her to jail. Butler’s character is a man’s man. There is nothing metro-sexual about him. He doesn’t have any qualms about locking Nicole in a trunk, handcuffing her to a bed, destroying furniture or handling a gun when the situation calls for it.

Nicole, who works as a journalist, is close to making a big break in the story she is working on. Single-mindedly, she tracks leads that will bring her nearer to solving the crime of missing evidence and one man’s death. Not taking her ex-husband’s pursuit of her seriously, and hoping her fake tears will be able to accomplish what words can not, she attempts to shake him free while on the trail of dirty cops.

Together, Milo and Nicole embark on a tumultuous adventure that includes Milo dodging golf balls, car chases and crashes, a taser gun and one memorable scene where Aniston’s character is describing to one rather intimidating tattoo artist a tattoo she would like to have done.

Men will want to see this movie because Jennifer Aniston has great legs, and women will want to see this movie because Gerard Butler can be seen shirtless. Overall, it is a great date movie that will have you laughing, but it lacks the passion and intensity one wants to see between two well-known actors.

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    Good review but I would never subject myself to this.

  2. Jen #

    I am sure I will end up seeing this.