14 Clips from ‘Valentine’s Day’


When I saw the trailer for “Valentine’s Day,” my first thought was “Huh. So it’s an American version of ‘Love Actually’?” Judging from the clips below, my assumption wasn’t wildly off.

They both star A-listers and center around love. The setting of “Valentine’s Day” makes most of the difference, though. Instead of happening around Christmas time, it takes place on a non-holiday, Valentine’s Day. This means everyone is in a crunch to find love or make sure the person they love is really worth loving. Like “Love Actually,” the stories seem to interweave between the characters, a concept of which I am a fan.

With 23 actors down as the main cast, there will be someone for everyday. “Valentine’s Day” features some up-and-coming actors (Emma Roberts, Taylor Lautner), some old pros (Kathy Bates, Shirley MacLaine) and everyone in-between (Topher Grace, Jennifer Garner). The film is also directed by Garry Marshall, whose previous credits include “Pretty Woman” and “Runaway Bride.” Needless to say this isn’t Marshall’s first try at the rom-com.

Below are 14 clips from “Valentine’s Day”. My favorite is the one with Bradley Cooper and Julia Roberts on the plane. The two work well together.

“Valentine’s Day” will be in theaters on Feb. 12.

Source: Trailer Addict

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4 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    At what point does it have too many stars?

  2. Josue #

    I really want this to do well, mostly for Jennifer Garner! She needs a couyple of hits so she can be on top again. she is amazing and deserves it. I love her. But I also love a lot of the other actors here.

  3. 3

    I like Jennifer Garner as well. I thought she was really good in The Invention of Lying.

  4. Lynn #

    “Thank God it vibrates.” ha ha this line cracks me up every single time and I love Topher Grace. Such a cute, funny, skinny boy!! lol

    So many faces attract me in this while others, push me away so badly, but still… I’ll patiently wait for it.. on Movie Central lol.