Posts Tagged ‘Jessica Biel’

Under Review: Total Recall

— by ADAM DALE — When it comes to classic genre films, fans can be less than enthusiastic about the idea of a remake. With ostensibly a more faithful interpretation of Philip K. Dick’s 1966 short story “We Can Remember it for You Wholesale” than the 1990 original starring Arnold Sc[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘New Year’s Eve’

— by ALEXA MILAN — A laundry list of big-name actors added up to a sub-par film in “Valentine’s Day,” but that isn’t stopping director Garry Marshall from having another go at a holiday-themed ensemble rom-com. “New Year’s Eve” takes the same for[...]

FilmDistrict Scores U.S. Rights to ‘Playing the Field’

FilmDistrict has acquired all U.S. rights to “Playing the Field” from Nu Image/Millennium Films. “Playing the Field” kicks off with the homecoming of George (Gerard Butler), a retired soccer pro whose glory days are behind him. Burnt out on his playboy lifestyle and bankrupte[...]

Kate Beckinsale Wanted for ‘Total Recall’

— by JOSUE SANCHEZ — Though she is currently filming “Underworld 4,” it is being reported that Hollywood beauty Kate Beckinsale may have nabbed the sought-after role of Lori in the upcoming remake of “Total Recall.” We recently reported Jessica Biel was in the run[...]

Jessica Biel in Talks for ‘Total Recall’ Reboot

— by JOSUE SANCHEZ — I still remember the first time I watched “Total Recall,” starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. It wasn’t at a theaters (I was to young to watch the “R” rated movie), but when it was finally available on video, my friend and I immediately rent[...]

The Top 5 Choices to Play Lois Lane

— by SHERICE ANTOINETTE — The new Superman movie has a director (Zack Snyder) and a leading man (Henry Cavill). Now, it needs a leading lady. With news of Kristen Stewart being on the shortlist of actresses for the Lois Lane, I present my list of favorites in the hopes some studio exec w[...]

‘The A-Team’: A Behind-the-Scenes Compilation

— by ADAM POYNTER — You can’t help but recognize it as soon as you hear it. That simple intro and tune that you instantly relate to the “A-Team.” I’m sure you’re very aware by now that an “A-Team” movie is coming out June 11 and all of your favorite characters are[...]

Trailer: The A-Team (Version 2)

— by ROB COX — I must admit to feeling rather lukewarm towards “The A-Team” upon the release of its first trailer back in January. I can’t say I wasn’t intrigued, but the TV show upon which this big screen epic is based isn’t exactly a sentimental favorite of mine; but that’s[...]

Poster: The A-Team

— by H.G. WATSON — There are certain films you go into with the expectation of simply being mindlessly entertained in exchange for your $11.95. I think “The A-Team” falls squarely into that category. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, you should know that I am not a fan of the [...]

Under Review: ‘Valentine’s Day’

— by ALEXA MILAN — Remember how “Love Actually” made the ensemble rom-com seem like such a good idea? That movie was charming, heartwarming, funny, sensitive and had a long list of prominent actors (Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant, Keira Knightley, Billy Nighy, Colin [...]

14 Clips from ‘Valentine’s Day’

— by ALLISON HIGGINBOTHAM — When I saw the trailer for “Valentine’s Day,” my first thought was “Huh. So it’s an American version of ‘Love Actually’?” Judging from the clips below, my assumption wasn’t wildly off. They both star A-listers and center around love[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘Valentine’s Day’

— by SEAN GERSKI — There have been a few recent examples in the “make a romantic movie with several interwoven plots and put a lot of stars in it” genre, but none of them has done it with more big-name stars than “Valentine’s Day.” Check out this cast: Julia[...]

Behind the Scenes of the Star-Studded ‘Valentine’s Day’

— by ALEXA MILAN — Every February, a romantic comedy is released that is marketed as the perfect Valentine’s Day movie. Last year, it was the ensemble comedy “He’s Just Not That Into You.” This year, the rom-com of choice that women (and some men) everywhere will drag their[...]

Trailer Talk: ‘The A-Team’

— by ROBERT DeFEIS — Before I start, let’s take a look at who is playing the A-Team. Liam Neeson is Col. John “Hannibal” Smith, Bradley Cooper is Lt. Templeton “Faceman” Peck, Quinton “Rampage” Jackson is Sgt. B.A. “Bad Attitude” Baracus,[...]