An Exciting Summer Movie Lineup is Headed Our Way


Hear that? It is the cavalcade of amazing movies headed our way this summer! At this very moment, the studios are getting ready for some of their biggest releases ever.

Most of us saw those impressive Super Bowl movie ads, others have been glued to their computers downloading all the exciting clips and trailers. Have you watched the “Captain America” trailer a hundred times in slow motion to get a glimpse of “Red Skull” … or was that just me?

We are all excited for the incredibly long and exciting list of movies headed our way. It has even inspired the creative side of others. As an example, check out the trailer below created by Screen Rant! It definitely reflects all the build-up movie fans justifiably have for this upcoming movie season. A talented editor has pieced together the best of all the trailers that have been whetting our appetites for the action, sci-fi and super-hero movies waiting to be launched at us.

For a list of all 16 movies included in the trailer, head over to Screen Rant and check them out.

What are you looking forward to watch the most this summer? Tell us all about it.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. 1

    The real question is what am I NOT looking forward to this summer. There’s so many good films coming I can’t think of one that I don’t want to see 😉

  2. Alexa M. #

    Deathly Hallows! I’m already counting down the days.

  3. Janet #

    I seriously want to see every movie that it shows!

  4. Robert D. #

    Now if all these films can live up to the expectations we all have for them, we will have quite the summer.