Catching Fire: Peeta Mellark Portrait

Catching_Fire_Victory_Tour— by CHERRY BELL —

The fun continues and the next character clue left by the Capitol was “Solid as a rock with just the right touch of shyness.” The first “Catching Fire” character that comes to mind is Josh Hutcherson’s Peeta Mellark.

In the Capitol portrait released exclusively to, Peeta sits in a plain wooden chair with a white rose like the other Victors, and looks into the camera ready for the photo to be taken.

Now, if you’ve seen the other portraits that have been released this week, only the Victors — who are once again fighting for survival in the 75th Hunger Games or what they are also calling the Quarter Quell — are sitting in those types of chairs. Effie, Haymitch, Cinna and Caesar have the fancier, and what look like to be most comfortable seats, so far. I suppose it would be appropriate for the Victors to have that uncomfortable chair. Of course, the Capitol doesn’t want them to be too comfortable. They, are after all, only lambs to the slaughter.

Josh Hutcherson looks dapper garbed all in white. Could it be hinting at something towards the story line of the sequel? Also, at this point, Jennifer Lawrence’s Katniss Everdeen is the only Victor NOT sitting in a chair. I noticed that if I placed both of the portraits next to each other, it would seem that Katniss is standing next to Peeta’s chair defiantly while Peeta sits calm and collected beside her.


Of the character portraits so far (you can see the others HERE), I must admit that Peeta Mellark is my favorite male portrait — while Katniss, Effie and Johanna also look stunning. Which is your favorite couture portrait so far?

“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” arrives in theaters on Nov. 22 and I admit that I can’t wait.

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