Dwayne Johnson’s Next Project Is …


It seem Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is becoming the go-to guy for movie sequels. With the successful “Fast Five” in his rearview mirror now, Deadline is reporting the action star may be coming on board for the unavoidable sequel “G.I. Joe: Cobra Strikes.”

This is good news for the franchise, since the charismatic actor has turned out to be a good luck charm lately, and if used correctly, can be a great asset.

So what character are the rumors saying Johnson will portray? None other than Roadblock. Yes, the tank-top, muscle bound machine-gun wearing-slash-cook character from the ’80s cartoons.

What do you think? Personally, I feel this is great casting (if true), because if you remember, Johnson has already played a similar character in the movie “The Rundown,” where he is ex-military bounty hunter, who is also a chef wanting to open a restaurant.

Other tidbits from Deadline’s article include that it is possible the next “Star Trek” movie might need little more time to work for its script, the “G.I. Joe” sequel might take its summer slot and Channing Tatum might reprise his role as Duke.

We already know Jon M. Chu will be directing the “G.I. Joe” sequel and he intends to make it more gritty, but if they can get their hands on Dwayne Johnson, I think that’s a step in the right direction.

Agree? Disagree? Is Johnson just what the sequel needed? You have permission to speak freely in the comment section!

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  1. 1

    I am not super familiar with the G.I. Joe cartoon as it was slightly before my time, but I guess I can see Johnson in a role, Tatum better be back as he was the main character and lastly the movie needs to be more raw, the first was cartoonish in its action.