Great Caesar’s ghost! Just call him Perry — middle-name “Ain’t” — White. (PS: I am totally kidding, of course.)
I think this latest casting decision from the “Man of Steel” production is great news. Yesterday, it was announced Laurence “Morpheus” Fishburne would be portraying the iconic Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Planet, Perry White. In previous films and even in the comic-book series, White has been of Caucasian persuasion. As one would assume, message boards and blogs have become quite active since the statement was made. Some don’t like the choice, but most appear to be in favor.
All it comes down to is this: Skill. When you get past the skin color, you realize Mr. Fishburne fits the part perfectly. He has the same powerful presence his predecessors had and he certainly can play up the fatherly soft side I envisioned Perry White to have.
Fishburne is also a noteworthy name, which will ultimately land the film more attention from a broader, international audience. The demographics have changed. Although Caucasians make up the majority of the movie-going population, they represent a lower portion of ticket sales, down to 56 percent in 2010 (SOURCE).
That statistic alone makes the casting of Fishburne an inspired choice.
“The Man of Steel” — directed by Zack Snyder and starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane — will soar into theaters June 14, 2013.
What say you to this bit of news? Yay or nay? Sound off to the right with your opinions.
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first off fishburne is a very good actor and a fine addition to the cast. Though i didnt expect them to place the race switch with any characters. More so perry. But i am not to against it.