Nominate Films For the National Film Registry

The Librarian of Congress is seeking nominations for the National Film Registry.

To be eligible for the registry, a film must be at least 10 years old and considered “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.”

According to the registry, “The number of public votes a film receives is a factor seriously weighed during the selection process by the Librarian of Congress and members of the National Film Preservation Board.” The National Film Registry was established with the 1988 National Film Preservation Act.

The registry’s goal is to save American film heritage. The law “authorizes the Librarian of Congress (after reviewing public suggestions and consulting extensively with film experts and the 44 members and alternates of the National Film Preservation Board) to select up to 25 films each year for inclusion in the registry.”

During the program’s first 19 years, 475 films have been selected for preservation. They range from well-known Hollywood classics (“Casablanca,” “The African Queen” and “A Night at the Opera”) to landmark independent, documentary and avant-garde masterpieces (“Nothing But a Man,” “Louisiana Story” and “Meshes of the Afternoon”).

For consideration, forward recommendations (a limit of 50 titles per year) via email to: Looking for ideas on possible films to nominate? Check here for hundreds of titles not yet selected to the National Film Registry.

Email is preferred given security issues on Capitol Hill and delays in postal delivery. To submit via regular mail:
National Film Registry
Library of Congress, MBRS Division
Washington, D.C. 20540
Attn: Steve Leggett

0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Vanna #

    I think I am going to have to think a little while before beginning to compile my list.

  2. Disco #

    I voted for Spartacus.

  3. Robb G #

    A lot of great movies from which to choose.