Pixar Has No Plans To Make a Marvel Movie


Can you imagine a CG-animated Captain America flinging his shield? How about Ant-Man zooming up and down in size in perfect animation? These are the kinds of the visuals that went through the mind of some fans when they heard Disney bought Marvel.

It was a fair assumption since Disney and Pixar Animation have been a enormously successful team. Could Pixar bring some of our favorite Marvel comic-book characters to CGI life? They could … but it appears they won’t.

The good folks over at IGN had the opportunity to interview Pixar Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter and asked him the subject. Without beating around the bush, they went straight to the point: “There’s always fanboy chatter about how they’d love to see Pixar take on a Marvel project. Have there been any real talks of doing that? There’s been a lot of rumors.”

Here are some highlights of his response…

    No … not at Pixar. We have “The Incredibles,” so we’ve done superheroes here ourselves and so we have that kind of history with Brad Bird doing ‘The Incredibles.”

    Disney has been great. Bob Iger is phenomenal. I’m Chief Creative Officer of Disney Animation as well, and with Pixar it’s like, ‘Keep doing what you’re doing, guys.”

What do you think? Should it be something they should consider? Would Pixar Animation and Marvel be a successful team-up?

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1 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Mark #

    That’s too bad …