Preview Four Super Bowl Movie Commercials


Everyone knows Super Bowl commercials are basically the most expensive ads you can buy, but as pricey as they are, it is probably money well spent.

When else are you going to have people watch TV and actually look forward to seeing the commercials? In the day of DVR and Tivo, that kind of audience is practically priceless.

As a huge football fan, I always look forward to the big game. The commercials I see as sort of a bonus. However, the movie spots are typically the ones that interest me the most. It’s always fun to see which movies get the ad space.

But, for those who aren’t going to watch the Super Bowl, we can still show you a few of the movie ads planned to run during the game (thanks to Trailer Addict).


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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Josue #

    OMG, OMG awesome!! I can’t wait for these.

  2. moviefan #

    i saw some of these ads during the superbowl. i thought the shutter island, the last airbender, and robin hood ones were good.

  3. Disco #

    I’m surprised “Toy Story 3” didn’t have an ad.

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