Watch Fantastic Mr. Fox Get Animated


I have to admit that my enthusiasm for this project is waning. In fact, the amount of enthusiasm I have for “Fantastic Mr. Fox” lessens every time I see more from the movie.

Obviously, this does not bode well. I can’t quite place my finger on where it went wrong — it’s too stiff, it looks dreary, Wes Anderson barely seems to be directing it — but it’s just losing my interest.

The following making-of featurette has basically made up my decision for me. I won’t be seeing it in the theater.

So, um … enjoy:

“Fantastic Mr. Fox” is scheduled to be released Nov. 25. The vocal talent includes George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, Adrien Brody, Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, Willem Dafoe, Brian Cox, Michael Gambon and Anjelica Huston.

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0 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. DJ PETE #

    I see what you mean.

  2. Jason #

    Of course Wes Anderson has a “flat in Paris.” I will say they got across a lot of information in just 3 minutes. But you’re right, I’m not sold on the character design and the fact that Anderson’s attentions were divided gives me pause. But the set design and the tech involved for making it happen were interesting to me.

  3. Alexis #

    I like how the featurette is called cutting edge. This is not cutting edge animation. Maybe it’s a joke?

  4. Vanna #

    I have never liked stop action movies. I find them distracting to say the least!