Directed by Dan Sachar, “When It Will Be Silent” is a post-apocalyptic short student film shot in the demilitarized zone between Israel and Jordan.
The barren landscape is an effective backdrop for the story of a man preparing a grave for his dead wife. Without a single line of dialogue, “When It Will Be Silent” effectively conveys how loneliness and a broken heart can be more deadly than toxic air – as the sudden realization that the man is not only digging a grave for his wife, but for himself, is a powerful and unexpected revelation.
“When It Will Be Silent” is reminiscent of Andreas Samland’s post-apocalyptic short “Day 26,” as both films illustrate the power of human connection to motivate and sustain life after the apocalypse (and how the loss of such relationships can result in more devastating consequences).
When it Will Be Silent (כשיהיה דומם) from Dan Sachar on Vimeo.
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Very interesting short. Nice writeup, Kyla.
That was a very well done short. Your words explain it perfectly.
I am so impressed. Important short.