Trailer Talk: ‘Matching Jack’


How would you react if you found out, back-to-back, that your child was sick and your husband was cheating on you? “Matching Jack” chronicles the journey Marisa (Jacinda Barrett) takes when faced with these two heartbreaking dilemmas.

After falling down during a soccer game, Marisa finds out that her son Jack has leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant. She calls her husband David (Richard Roxborough) to tell him the awful news, but little does Marisa know that David is in bed with another woman at the time. Soon, Marisa discovers voice recordings and names and phone numbers, unleashing David’s secret affairs over the years and his recent plan to leave her.

Marisa is incredibly peeved, to put it lightly, but she takes an interesting angle on her husband’s infidelity. The doctors tell her a sibling would be a great match for a bone marrow transplant for Jack. Marisa and David don’t have any other children together, but Marisa wonders if one of David’s affairs produced a child. She starts going door-to-door, asking David’s old lovers if he possibly fathered a child with them.

She doesn’t receive the warmest reception from these women, but she does find a bond with sailor Connor (James Nesbitt), the father of Jack’s hospital roommate. Connor seems kind, supportive, emotionally available… all the things David isn’t, and Marisa starts to have feelings for him.

It’s a toss up on whether this is a pure Lifetime TV movie or an actually refreshing, yet heartbreaking, story of a woman facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

“Matching Jack” opened in theaters in Australia on Aug. 19. No word yet on a U.S. release date.

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2 Comments Add Yours ↓

  1. Adam Poynter #

    It looks interesting to say the least, I wonder if it will ever be released here in the United States?

  2. Casey #

    Could be okay.